COLOMBO (News 1st); Over the past two weeks dead sea turtles and dolphins used to wash up on Sri Lankan shores following the X-Press Pearl container ship disaster and on Tuesday (15) a whale joined that list.
The carcass of a considerably large whale washed up on the sandy beach of the Kytes Island in the North of Sri Lanka, highlighting serious concerns on the effects of the hazardous cargo that was on board the X-Press Pearl when it was engulfed in flames.
As of Tuesday (15), a total of 40 sea turtles and 05 dolphins washed up on the islands coast, while marine activist warn the numbers could possibly rise.
Amidst the dead marine life are the Hawkbill Turtle and the Green Turtle ( considered as two of the most rarest breeds of turtles) and the Humpback Dolphin.
Nayanaka Ranwella is an environmentalist in Sri Lanka and he says the X-Press Pearl disaster has affected marine life in deep seas.
"We believe the there is a chemical reaction in the sea as the hazardous material is mixing with sea water," he stressed.