COLOMBO (News 1st); The 13 SLPP MPs who became independent of their party, including MPs Prof. G. L. Peiris and Dullas Alahapperuma, launched a New Political Movement on Friday (2), it is identified as the Freedom People's Congress.
The new office premises of the Freedom People's Congress was opened in Koswatte, Nawala where the inaugural media briefing also took place.
MP Charitha Herath, speaking at the press conference following the event, said that it is important to free the country of corruption and nepotism.
MP Prof. G. L. Peiris too, speaking at the event said that we live during times when State repression is high, and the PTA is being misused.
MP Dullas Alahapperuma said that the event signifies a new beginning, as the Governmen has become fearful of them.
"All our representatives were removed from Parliament Committees, Secondly, some of us were taken off the Speaker's List. Thirdly, yesterday, during the interim budget debate which is of paramount importance, we were banned from the parliamentary debate area" MP Alahapperuma said.
He further stated that although the power of the executive is visible, the power of the legislature remains invisible. Pointing out that this was a situation which was previously faced during the last Presidential Election, MP Alahapperuma said that the latest crisis facing Sri Lankan democracy has become taking control of the legislation.
"It should not happen in a democratic society anywhere in the world. In fact, the President, Prime Minister, Speaker, Leader of the House should all be ashamed. Shame on you for remaining blind and mute when the legislature is being controlled by invisible forces," Alahapperuma said.
When inquired on the invisible force that is controlling the legislative, MP Dilan Perera acknowledged a nearby crow.