"Puluwan Sri Lanka" Agreement Inked To Back Ranil

"Puluwan Sri Lanka" Agreement Inked To Back Ranil For President

by Staff Writer 16-08-2024 | 2:20 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); 34 parties & alliances signed the "Puluwan Sri Lanka" agreement expressing their support for Independent Presidential Candidate Ranil Wickremesinghe in the upcoming presidential election.

The "Puluwan Sri Lanka" Convention was attended by the President, Prime Minister, and Ministers, among others.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe emphasized that the 34 political parties & alliances that signed the convention did so not only to form a political coalition but also to shape the future of the country and its people.

Reflecting on the nation's turbulent past, Wickremesinghe highlighted the resilience and dedication of a core group in Parliament who stood by him during the country's most challenging times. 

"When our political system collapsed and our economy faltered, political leaders fled, abandoning their responsibilities. But a dedicated group in our Parliament stood with me, believing that recovery was possible," he said.

In his address, the President stated that while other candidates may ask for votes by claiming to be the best fit to lead the country, he urged the people to vote in this presidential election with their own future in mind, rather than focusing on the future of politicians.

He also remarked that had the country's economy been allowed to collapse, holding a presidential election today would not have been possible.
Wickremesinghe urged voters to consider the future of Sri Lanka rather than individual candidates.

He acknowledged the tough decisions made to stabilize the economy, likening them to giving medicine to a child or making the difficult decision for surgery—necessary actions for the nation's well-being.

President's remarks as shared by the President's Media Division:

"The "Puluwan Sri Lanka" agreement was signed to demonstrate unity and commitment to building the future of the country and its people, rather than simply forming a political party. This agreement was made by individuals who did not shy away from challenges but chose to face them head-on. When the country's economic and political systems collapsed, and the nation faced a difficult situation, some political leaders abandoned their responsibilities. Leadership was forgotten, and they were afraid to confront the country's problems. When I took over the country, there was no party standing behind me. However, the Prime Minister, ministers, and a group of parliament members joined me, believing that the country could be rebuilt. It was because of this belief and determination that we are now able to hold a presidential election.

Had the economy collapsed back then, there would not have been an opportunity for this election. This is something everyone should remember. The purpose of this presidential election is to confirm the progress of the country. While other candidates are asking for votes, claiming to be the best person to lead the country, I am asking all the people to vote with their own future and the future of their children in mind. Let's move forward together with Sri Lanka. We inherited a bankrupt country, an era of queues for fuel, gas, food, and medicine. We had no money, with some days not even a million dollars available. We had to make tough decisions to lift the country out of bankruptcy, and these were not easy choices. Just as a parent or family member might have to make difficult decisions when caring for a sick child, we made these decisions for the sake of the country. We extend our gratitude to the people who endured the hardships during these challenging times. We took over a nation with a collapsed economy and have since managed to control inflation and increase foreign reserves. This progress was achieved in partnership with the people. While others were calling for the government to step down and claiming that the situation was unsolvable, even taking their grievances to Geneva, we focused on delivering results.

We provided Samurdhi benefits to the people at three times the previous amount, despite the country's significant financial difficulties. We also provided 10 kilograms of rice for two months to low-income families and granted land rights through the Urumaya program. Housing rights were given to low-income individuals living in Colombo apartments, and the salaries of government employees were increased by Rs. 10,000, with another salary increase planned for next year. No previous government has undertaken such initiatives. Additionally, the wages of plantation workers were raised. The question now is whether to continue this program or abandon it halfway. We engaged in negotiations with 18 countries and 21 institutions, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank, to establish economic stability in this country. To continue along this path, we must adhere to the agreements in place. Any amendments would require renegotiating with these 21 countries and institutions, a process that took us two years to complete and would take another two years to revise. However, we cannot afford to go another year without these concessions. We must decide whether to allow this system to collapse and risk losing the financial gains we have made. We also need to consider how to move forward, building a developed country and creating a better future for our youth. 

The future of our nation is at stake. While some only think five to six years ahead, Gen Z looks 20 to 30 years into the future, and many are contemplating leaving the country due to concerns about their prospects. Our responsibility is to build this country for them, ensuring they have a future here. We have emerged as a new force, uniting when the country's political parties were in disarray. It is essential to continue this program for another five years, during which a new leadership would have been born in this country, one that we haven't seen in recent times. It is crucial to move forward with this team, with the aim of building a stronger nation. Our goal is to develop Sri Lanka by fostering the growth of our villages and uniting the Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim communities.”