Kelanithissa Power Station shutdown

Kelanithissa Power Station shutdown as it ran out of fuel

by Zulfick Farzan 03-02-2022 | 12:39 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Kelanithissa Combined Cycle Power Station went on a complete shutdown on Wednesday (2) night after it ran out of fuel, said the Ceylon Electricity Board.

"KCCP Shutdown at20:03 hrs due to Diesel fuel pressure low. Since GT-7 Diesel fuel pressure was also zero it was shutdown. Since air seemed to be sucked in to the fuel line GT-2 was also stopped," said the CEB.

It added that the Kelanithissa Power Station and the Kelanithissa Combined Cycle Power Station shutdown due to a Diesel shortage.

At the same time the Mathugama CEB plant made a forced shutdown on Wednesday (2) night to a lack of Diesel stocks.