COLOMBO (News 1st); State Minister of Co-operative Services, Marketing Development and Consumer Protection Lasantha Alagiyawanna says steps have been taken to assess the quality of imported Gas.
He said a proposal was submitted for Sri Lanka Accreditation Board to register the international laboratories that conduct such assessments on the quality of Gas.
State Minister Alagiyawanna said the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation is currently assessing the composition of the Gas cylinders in the country, while another Private Company is also conducting such assessments.
He said the Consumer Affairs Authority has obtained samples in this regard.
Sri Lanka Police are investigating an explosion due to a gas leak at a house in the Pannipitiya area in Kottawa.
Police said NO casualties were reported in the incident, but the Kitchen was damaged.
The location where the incident took place has been inspected by the Government Analyst.
This was the fourth gas cylinder explosion this month.