Bus fares to be increased?

Would bus fares be increased if quarantine regulation remain in place?

by Zulfick Farzan 06-10-2020 | 6:39 PM

Colombo (News 1st);  If quarantine regulations continue to remain in effect within the country there could be a revision in bus fares, warned State Minister of Vehicle Regulation, Bus Transport Services, and Train Compartments and Motor Car Industry Dilum Amunugama.

He admitted Sri Lanka Transport Board and Private Buses incur losses by operating their service by limiting passengers to the seating capacity.

If the authorities cannot control the spread of COVID-19 within the next 48 hours the regulation will have to be placed for a considerable period, said the State Minister adding in such event bus fares will be increased following discussions.

"We cannot depend on the annual bus fare revision and we need to think of the ground reality," said the State Minister who went on to note with the restriction of vehicle imports and spare-part, there would have to be a revision of fares in the future.