Attempt to dismiss CEB employee unethically

by Staff Writer 06-07-2019 | 9:07 PM
COLOMBO (News1st): The board of directors of the Ceylon Electricity Board is due to meet next Tuesday, the 9th of July. Of the several matters to be discussed, the board will make a decision regarding the removal of a grade one engineer, who has served the CEB for more than 30 years. The engineer was suspended from service on July 12th last year while serving as the Deputy General Manager of power purchasing. The suspension of his service led to much controversy, as the respective officer had not committed any wrongdoing, apart from rejecting to comply with an unlawful agreement between the CEB and a private power plant, to purchase power. However, in September, the suspension was lifted and the officer was reinstated in a different position, that was never heard of in the history of the CEB. Following his reinstatement, an inquiry, under 17 charges was launched against the officer. The officer has been proved guilty of all 17 charges. It must be noted, that 15 of the 17 charges have no connection with the CEB. On the 19th of last month, the final report on this inquiry was considered during a board meeting at the CEB. However, the meeting was convened without the participation of one of its members, an acting director of the CEB. Apart from the chairman and the deputy chairman of the CEB, the acting director of the board has been appointed by the subject minister. The acting director, in a letter, has already informed the board, that the inquiry launched against the respective employee, was unfair and unlawful. Therefore, the board of directors of the CEB, that comprises of members representing the Ministry of Public Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the general treasury and the President, that is due to meet next Tuesday, will thoroughly consider the letter, addressed to the board by one of its own members. However, if a decision is taken to remove the officer, based on a false investigation report, this action will no doubt go down in history as an uncivilized and unethical act.