by Staff Writer 14-05-2019 | 8:39 AM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - The Government Analyst's Department states that investigations have commenced to determine the type of explosives that were used to carry out the 21st April and subsequent terror attacks.
Government Analyst, A.Welianga noted that the department had already acquired samples from the blast sites for their investigations.
The Government Analyst noted that they would be able to inform the investigative teams on what exploisves were used in the explosions by this week.
He added that this step was taken to identify the explosives used in the terror attacks due to rumours circulating about the attack.
Welianga also explained that explosives such as TNT, C-4 and RDX were commonly used by the LTTE during the war.
He went on to note that their investigative reports will be submitted to the CID as well as court.