Economic Stability Over Local Authority Elections

Economic Stability Over Local Authority Elections - President

by Zulfick Farzan 23-08-2024 | 11:29 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has defended his decision to postpone the local authority elections, citing financial constraints and the need to prioritize essential expenditures. 

Speaking at the IT Professionals Forum in Colombo the President emphasized that the decision was necessary to ensure the country’s economic stability and the well-being of its citizens.

“I didn’t think we could afford the luxury of having an anarchy of local authority elections. So I stood firm and decided that we did not have a local authority election because we had no money. We had to spend the money on what was needed, and it has brought results,” President Wickremesinghe stated.

He highlighted the importance of focusing on the country’s immediate needs, such as ensuring that people have access to food, medicine, and other essentials. 

The President argued that diverting resources to conduct elections would have hindered the progress made in stabilizing the economy.

“We identified some of the other areas which also required technology, such as modernizing agriculture and becoming a food-exporting nation. Tourism, renewable energy, and the digital economy are also key areas where technology plays a crucial role,” he added.

The President emphasized the need for a market-driven approach to science and technology, with a significant role for the private sector. He mentioned that the National Science Foundation would support research initiatives, particularly in agriculture and other critical sectors.