Colombo (News 1st) - Sri Lankans celebrate the dawn of the Sinhala and Tamil New Year on Friday (14).
This is based on the movement of the Sun from the Meena Rashiya (House of Pisces) to the Mesha Rashiya (House of Aries).
The Punya Kaalaya or inauspicious time is from 8.35am to 9.23 pm on Friday (14).
The New Year dawns at 2.59pm on Friday.
The auspicious time for preparing meals begins at 3.29pm. Astrologist say that it is wise to light the hearth, clad in light mixed coloured clothing while facing south and to prepare milk rice mixed with curd as well as sweetmeats containing Undu flour.
The auspicious time to commence work, transactions and partaking in meals is 5:05 pm on Friday and should be carried out clad in light golden coloured clothes while facing east.
The time for the anointing of oil is 9:41 am on April 16 and should be carried out dressed in red and yellow while facing south.
Leaving for work is fixed for April 17th at 6:28 am and should be done so clad in white coloured clothes while facing the south when leaving the house.