Suspect arrested with 9100kg of sea cucumber

Navy arrests suspect with over 9100kg illegally stored sea cucumber in Mannar

by Zulfick Farzan 27-08-2021 | 11:36 AM
COLOMBO (News 1st);  A special operation conducted by the Navy in Irukkulampiddi, Mannar on 25th August 2021, led to the seizure of about 9170kg of sea cucumber, stored in violation of license condition, and apprehension of a suspect in connection to the incident. The operation was carried out by the North Central Naval Command in coordination with the Mannar Police in Irukkulampiddi area on 25th August. In this special operation, the raiding party managed to take hold of this large stock (about 9170kg) of sea cucumber together with a suspect in connection. The coordinated operation was conducted adhering to COVID-19 protocols in effect to arrest the transmission of the pandemic. The accused held in the operation was identified a resident of Puttalam. The suspect along with the sea cucumber stock was handed over to the Assistant Director of Fisheries Mannar for onward legal action.