Over Rs. 60 Million to be spent on renovating BOI premises?

by Zulfick Farzan 24-08-2021 | 11:32 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Activists allege that the 24th Floor of the World Trade Center in Colombo which houses the Board of Investment is to be renovated using millions in public funds.

Activist Wasantha Samarasinghe said the BOI which comes under the purview of the President, has its premises being renovated at a cost of Rs. 60 Million.

'They are recruiting new faces and these renovations are to create a work space for them and the Director General,' he said.

He went on to note the salaries for the new faces entering the BOI, per annum would be Rs. 380 Million.

'These new faces are coming from aboard,' he said adding the government is permitting such expenses at a time the people of the country are facing serious economic issues.

However, Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Dullas Alahapperuma said NO such decision was reached at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.
