This echoed similar sentiments expressed in Colombo when the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka, following the suspension of its account, also accused the US social media platform of curtailing freedom of speech. "There is so-called freedom of media, but on the other hand, they suspend and lock any account that is not on their agenda,” Luo Chong, the spokesman for the mission in Colombo had told News1st. The suspension of the account in Colombo had been lifted on Tuesday after Twitter apologized for a systematic error. Sri Lanka's foreign minister Dinesh Gunawardena on his handle welcomed the move to reinstate the "official twitter account", which is yet to be verified by Twitter.See what happens to the twitter handle of the Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus. Freedom of speech?
— Liu_Hongyang (@LiuHongyang4) April 13, 2020
Hongyang, the ambassador in Malawi, responding to a handle @captainsacks -- which on its bio had stated is fed-up of anti-Chinese news and is against US propaganda -- said the reason behind suspending the account of the ambassador in Cyprus is unclear. "Wow, they suspended him? What for? Has he appealed it?" wrote @captainsacks, for which the ambassador had said "Yes. But no answer yet".we welcome the reinstating of the Official Twitter Account of the Chinese Embassy in Colombo @ChinaEmbSL
— Dinesh Gunawardena ?? (@DCRGunawardena) April 15, 2020
The embassy had also responded to a query asking whether it would lift the Twitter ban in China, by saying "We believe if Twitter could follow the laws and rules of China, the market might also be opened to them". In a contrasting move, social media users tweeted screenshots which showed that they had been blocked on Twitter by the embassy. They believe that this was a reaction for continuously questioning Beijing.We would like to hear these cases and proofs in Sri Lanka about your accusation. If you didn't see it happening in this Island, why you believe it's everywhere in the world? Only because some media or politicians say it?
— Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka (@ChinaEmbSL) April 15, 2020
The Chinese embassy in Sri Lanka has blocked me because I kept questioning them.
It’s ok to block me. There are others like me all over the world. Let’s see you block them all. #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #China #SriLanka #WuhanVirus #covid19 #coronavirus #Debttrap — Krishni Iresha (@krishniP) April 14, 2020