Colombo (News 1st): What is the view of the government regarding the Millenium Challenge Corporation compact? State Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara expressed these views in parliament today (January 8).
He noted that they will never act arrogantly, however, when they are confronted with something there is a procedure that they follow it to decide on the matter. He added that they rejected the MCC agreement that they saw it. He added that they rejected it in this house, and they rejected it on their political stages. He went onto note that if there are new provisions included in this agreement and it is resubmitted, they are ready to look into it.
However, on the 10th of December, 2019 State Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara made these remarks;
State Min. Vasudeva Nanayakkara: We won't be signing that. It was mentioned in our president's manifesto that no agreement that will harm the sovereignty of the country will be signed. He mentioned it recently as well. You will never see the MCC signed under our government. If the agreement is signed I will not remain in that government. I think Gotabaya Rajapaksa will not remain in such a government either.
Journalist: Are you making this statement with responsibility?
State Min. Vasudeva Nanayakkara: Not only with responsibility, but I also make this statement definitely and courageously.
A group of monks handed over a letter to the Presidential Secretariat today requesting the proposed Millenium Challenge Corporation compact to be rescinded. A group of monks who are members of the Inter-University Bhikkhu Federation handed in the letter to the President's Secretary of Public Relations, Samanthi Ranasinghe.
The Convener of the Inter-University Bhikku Federation Venerable Gallawa Siridhamma Thero noted that they have no faith regarding what course of action would be taken based on the letter they presented. He said when the President was the Secretary of Defence they signed agreements such as the MCC and when Ministers of the previous government attempted to sign this, many MPs opposed it.
The Thero went onto note that those people have been awarded various positions and are now saying 70% of it is good, therefore, they cannot be certain as to whether it would be signed or not. He added that on a global scale, countries such as America are engaged in a power struggle to get a hold of countries such as Sri Lanka and use them for their benefit. He pointed out that they are attempting to justify these agreements by appointing various committees. He stressed that they are of the stance that this agreement does not suit Sri Lanka.