by Staff Writer 19-07-2019 | 9:57 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st): Speaking to a delegation of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said the Government will not enter into any Security Of Forces Agreement and in any event, no SOFA of any kind would be entered into within this year.
A delegation of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka had discussions with the Prime Minister to express their concerns on the ACSA, the SOFA and MCC agreements. According to a statement issued by the BASL, Prime Minister also invited the BASL to submit its observations in writing as such observations would be useful.
Speaking in parliament recently, the Prime Minister said the country will not sign a SOFA agreement during the next few months. On the 10th of this month, the Prime Minister stated that they have clearly specified what they agree and what they don't. He continued to say that although discussions are still ongoing that the agreement has no signs of being signed in the upcoming months.
Commenting on the statement, UPFA MP Tharaka Balasuriya said that the reason behind the Prime Minister not signing it is probably because he wants to pressurize the international community while also warning them that it will only be signed if he is brought to power again.
Meanwhile, UPFA MP Shantha Bandara said that since the President had openly expressed his opposition over this matter, that they might be hoping to make someone else sit in the President's chair following elections. He further said that the reason for them to become patient this year is probably because they know that they will not stand a chance by having the President in power.
UPFA MP S.B. Dissanayake said that although the Prime Minister could sign the SOFA with the secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US ambassador that it will not be signed through the Defence Secretary since the Minster comes under the President's purview. However, he also added that the signatures of the US and the Sri Lankan Ambassadors are sufficient for the agreement, which they suspect has already happened.