GCE A/L begins today

GCE A/L begins today

by Staff Writer 06-08-2018 | 8:21 AM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - The 2018 GCE Advanced Level Examination began today (August 06) Commissioner General of Examinations, Sanath B. Pujitha stated that 321,469 candidates will sit for the exam this year, at 2,267 centres. Students are required to produce their national identity card, a valid driver's license or a valid passport when sitting for the exam. Commissioner General Sanath B. Pujitha said a special program will be implemented this year, to curb possible exam scandals during the examination. Steps have been taken to fix signal jammers at certain examination centres, to prevent digital devices being used to cheat the exam. According to the Commissioner General, a further ten minutes of additional reading time for three-hour question papers will also be provided. The Department noted any irregularities with regard to the examination could be informed via the hotline 1911.