HRCSL to investigate over 11,000 public complaints

HRCSL to investigate over 11,000 public complaints

by Staff Writer 06-09-2023 | 7:06 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka has commenced a special program to promptly investigate over 11,000 complaints lodged by the public regarding human rights violations.

HRCSL Commissioner Attorney Nimal Punchihewa said the complaints will be investigated at the head office and district office level.

Preliminary investigations have revealed that some of the complaints sent to the Human Rights Commission should be sent to other institutions.

The relevant complaints will be forwarded to the Public Service Commission, National Police Commission, Department of Labor and Consumer Affairs Authority.

Punchihewa said he will monitor the progress of the investigations by the relevant institutions.

He added that justice can be served in incidents of violations of human rights by promptly investigating all the complaints.