First Aswesuma installment in 1st week of August

First installment of Aswesuma to be given first week of August

by Staff Writer 02-08-2023 | 7:12 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Welfare Benefits Board said plans are in place to provide the first installment of the Aswesuma welfare benefit for selected beneficiaries within the first week of August.

The Board said around 95 percent of the beneficiaries bank accounts have been opened, and it will be prioritized at state banks.

The installments will be provided to the beneficiaries under the values of Rs.15,000, Rs.8,500 and Rs.5,000.

The Welfare Benefits Board said another group of beneficiaries will be selected for the Aswesuma welfare benefit scheme, after examining the appeals and objections received in this regard.

Two million beneficiaries will receive the funds directly through bank accounts.

The Welfare Benefits Board said over 500,000 people who received allowances for the elderly, disabled and kidney patients, will also be entitled to the Aswesuma welfare benefit.