COLOMBO (News 1st); Minister of Power and Energy Kanchana Wijesekara said that the National Fuel Pass QR system will be applied in all Fuel Stations across the country from today (1).
He requested all Fuel Station Owners & Management to dispense fuel Only with the QR system & to check the QR code Vehicle Number on the device with the Number plate of the vehicle to verify details.
The Ministry issued the following 12 points on the implementation of the process, and what sectors will be given priority.
1. National Fuel Pass QR system will be effective from 1st August Island wide. Last Digit number plate system, Tokens & other systems that were in place will be invalid and the QR sytem & will be applied.
2. Fuel distribution will be prioritized for Fuel Stations that have adopted to the QR system. The system will be monitored to check the number of users of QR from the stocks distributed to fuel stabons.
3. Vehicles users who were not able to register with Chassis Number will be able to register with the Revenue License number from 1st August.
4. Request all Three Wheelers to register with respective Police Stations to nominate the closest Fuel Station to them.
5. Request users of Generators, Garden Equipment, Machinery & other Equipment that require Fuel to register at the respective Divisional Secretariat with the type of fuel required weekly fuel requirement & the choice of Fuel station.
6. Businesses with muttiple vehicles can register all the vehicles with the Business Registration Number.
7. Public Transport will be given priority. The fuel quota for buses will be allocated at SLTB depots with the the quota decided by the route permit & number of KMs in service.
8. SLTB depots will also facilitate the Diesel fuel requirements of School Service Vehicles, Office Transport Vehicles, Industries, Tourism Sector, Ambulances & other essential services verified by the authorities.
9. Ambulances to be given prioroty at all fuel stations & will be given the requested amount of fuel to refuel the ambulances.
10. Sri Lanka Police will be given an allocated quota from selected fillion stations in each Police Division, and will be communicated accordingly.
11. The Public will be able to send photos and video evidence on Whatsapp, of illegal fuel stockpiling or sales to 0742 123 123. QR Access will be temporarily blocked for repeated offenders and legal action will be taken accordingly.
12. Public is requested NOT to overcrowd fuel stations on Monday (1), the whole week is available to get the allocated quota from fuel stations island wide.