COLOMBO (News 1st); All schools across Sri Lanka will re-open for O/L and A/L classes on Monday (8).
Health officials have stressed the need for students to follow the health guidelines with no deviation, whatsoever.
Health Guidelines that need to be followed:
All students are required to wear the facemasks within the school premises at all times.
All students are required to constantly sanitize their hands and maintain distance between fellow students.
How will classroom functions, according to student numbers?
According to the Education Ministry classrooms with less than 20 students will continue on all five days of the week.
Classrooms with 20 to 40 students will operate every other day or every other week.
If the number of students exceeds 40, school teachers are requested to divide the students into three groups and decide when those groups are required to come to school.
Who should not report to school?
Deputy Director-General of Public Health Services Dr. Hemantha Herath said all students, parents, transport operators must comply with the health guidelines.
He further added that if a student is ill, parents must refrain from sending that student to school.
"It is important to ensure that COVID-19 does not spread from home to school or school to home," he stressed.
If a student has a cold, cough, or fever, that student must remain home.
If a family member had tested positive for COVID-19 or is receiving treatment in quarantine, students from the family must not report to school.