(VIDEO) Teacher Protests Erupt Across Sri Lanka

by Zulfick Farzan 06-10-2021 | 12:31 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Teachers from more than 300 Education Zones staged protests across the country demanding solutions to their issues, including the salary anomaly.

The main protest took place at Lipton Circus with key figures from the Sri Lankan teachers movement.

"For 87 days the teachers in Sri Lanka have been protesting and the government has failed to solve the issues faced by the teachers," said Joseph Stalin the General Secretary of the Ceylon Teachers Union.

Notably, these protests are taking place on Teachers Day.

"The government is planning on reopening the schools on the 21st of October, without solving the issues of the teachers," alleged the Trade Union leader.

Mahinda Jayasinghe from the Ceylon Teacher Services Union said the government should be held responsible for forcing the teachers to take to the streets to seek solutions to their demands.

"We cannot be intimidated. If the government thinks to do so, they are very much mistaken," said Jayasinghe.
