Action to be taken against wedding organizers: PHI

Legal action against wedding organizers violating guidelines : PHI Association

by Amani Nilar 02-08-2021 | 10:47 AM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Public Health Inspectors' Association says that it has been noted that some weddings are being held in violation of COVID-19 health guidelines issued by the Director General of Health Services.

The secretary of the Association, Mahendra Balasuriya said that this was noted during the inspections carried out by PHIs.

Balasuriya stated that legal action has been taken against those who organized weddings during the time and the owners of the function halls.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Public Health Inspectors' Association added that there is a risk of an increase in the number of COVID-19 infections being reported in the next few days as public transport services resume operations.