65 volumes of PCoI material on April Attacks to AG

AG receives 65 volumes of PCoI material on April Attacks

by Zulfick Farzan 02-03-2021 | 6:20 PM
Colombo (News 1st);  The Attorney General received 65 volumes of Proceedings of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry on the 2019 April Attacks from the Secretary to the President on Tuesday (02). State Counsel Nishara Jayaratne, the Coordinating Officer to the Attorney General speaking to News 1st said 22 volumes were not handed over due to the sensitive nature of evidence pertaining to national security. The Presidential Secretariat received 87 volumes with respect to the evidence and proceedings of the PCoI on the 2019 April 21st Attacks. She said 22 volumes were not handed over to the Attorney General as per the advice of the Presidential Commission due to the sensitive nature of the evidence and proceedings. The Attorney General stated thousands of pages of investigative material with regard to the 08 terror attacks of 2019, over 30,000 evidence material from the PCoI as well as evidence material from the Parliament Select Committee will be studied for further need of investigations. The Attorney General stressed the investigations will take place in an efficient manner in order to file charges against relevant suspects. 'As this is would be a collective effort, it would take considerable amount of time,' said State Counsel Nishara Jayaratne on behalf of the Attorney General.