COLOMBO (News1st): The Education Ministry said the Cabinet of Ministers permitted the re-opening of schools for Grades 01 & 02 students and pre-schools on August 10th.
According to a statement, the President had instructed the Education Ministry, Provincial Ministries of Education, and Local Government Institutions to closely monitor the disinfection process of all schools in the island.
National Colleges of Education will re-open for first-year students on July 17, and second-year students on July 31, the education ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.
On the 09th of June Education Minister Dullas Alahapperuma announced schools will re-open under 04 separate stages.
Stage 01 commenced on the 29th of June and it will only be for Principals, Teachers, Non-Academic Staff, and Management.
The entire week starting from the 29th of June will be used to disinfect and clean schools as well as to add upgrades to the existing school system and for meetings between schools and parents.
Stage 02 will commence on the 06th of July and it will be only for students of Grades 05, 11, and 13 and it will be in effect until the 17th of July.
This two week period will be a trial period.
Stage 03 will commence on the 20th of July and it will be only for students of grades 10 and 12.
Stage 04 will commence on the 27th of July and it will be only for students of Grades 03,04,06,07,08 and 09.