by Zulfick Farzan 22-04-2020 | 6:02 PM
Colombo (News 1st); Samples of 530 people who report to the Peliyagoda Fish Market were obtained for PCR tests after it was revealed a fishmonger from Piliyandala, who tested positive for the Corona Virus had frequented the premises in recent weeks.
This is the highest volume of samples obtained from a single location in Sri Lanka.
Further, 62 samples were obtained from a dispensary in Pannipitiya yesterday and they tested negative for COVID-19.
Dr. Anil Jasinghe added more samples were obtained from areas surrounding Bandaranaike Mawatha in Colombo 12.
He said the COVID-19 patients detected from the Quarantine Facilities were moved to the Kattankudy Treatment Facility for treatment, where there are around 30 people as of now.
Dr. Anil Jasinghe said it is vital for the people to maintain proper health practices and follow the guidelines despite the curfew being relaxed at various locations.
He stressed it is also paramount to main social distancing across the country adding salons will remain closed until further notice.
In addition, all eateries which do not meet the required standards around the hospital will remain closed until further notice.
Director-General of Health Services Dr. Anil Jasinghe said a decision was made to collect samples at random from all congested areas in the Colombo Municipality, commonly known as "Wathu", for PCR tests.
Speaking at the National Operations Centre for Preventing COVID-19, Dr. Anil Jasinghe said, those serving in various areas for the Colombo Municipal Council will also be subject to PCR tests.