Local manufacturing of Ventilation machine begins

Local Ventilation Machines go in to production

by Zulfick Farzan 01-04-2020 | 3:28 PM
Locally manufactured ventilation machines were introduced in the government hospitals from today(01), as the Covid-19 patients are on the rise in the country. Accordingly, it has been planned to manufacture 200 ventilation machines and hand them over for the use of the hospitals across the country. The unique feature of this program is that three Sri Lankan inventors had produced these devices without any financial sponsorship and the production cost of a machine is estimated to be between Rs 15,000 to 18,000. About 10 to 15 such ventilation machines will be produced daily, according to the Prime Minister's media division. The inventors are Consumer Affairs Authority Directors Thushan Gunawardena and Viraj Perera and Chamika Gamage, a Graduate in Electronic sciences at the Moratuwa University. In addition, two new Polymerase Chain Reaction devices which is known as PCR  a device used to conduct tests to detect Covid-19 patients were also handed over to the Health Ministry today(01). Accordingly, the two devices were given by the International Atomic Energy Agency based on the request made by the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board. The value of these devices are Rs 23 million. The Health Ministry said the devices are very useful since they will expedite the process of detecting COVID-19 in patients.