by Zulfick Farzan 11-02-2020 | 3:47 PM
Colombo (News 1st): Attorney General Dappula De Livera has expressed his displeasure to the Acting Inspector General of Police C.D.Wickramaratne over his response in dealing with the AGs advice.
In addition, the Attorney General had directed the Acting IGP to immediately invoke the Judicial Process in the case relating to Interdicted High Court Judge Gihan Pilapitiya.
It was on the 23rd of January 2020, Attorney General Dappula De Livera instructed the Director of the Colombo Crimes Division to obtain a warrant for the arrest of Interdicted High Court Judge Gihan Pilapitiya.
The Attorney General says it is disappointing to note the Acting IGP in his letter of explanation sent yesterday, claims the Police cannot establish the judicial area in which the controversial telephone conversation between MP Ranjan Ramanayake and the Interdicted High Court Judge had taken place.
Attorney General De Livera considering the investigative material strongly advised for the judicial area to be listed as Colombo and Nugegoda as the said it is clear the conversations had taken place in those areas.
Attorney General Dappula De Livera advises the Acting IGP to report facts to the Nugegoda Magistrate's Court today and take necessary judicial steps before the end of the day.