by Staff Writer 31-01-2020 | 4:37 PM
Colombo (News 1st)L Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi confirmed an aircraft left Sri Lanka this evening (Jan31), to airlift a group of Sri Lankan students trapped in Wuhan, China which is in lockdown since the first case of the coronavirus outbreak was reported.
Speaking to News 1st, a source from SriLankan Airlines said UL 1422 was dispatched to Wuhan, China with a specially trained staff on board.
33 Sri Lankan students remain trapped in Wuhan while the Acting Sri Lankan Ambassador to China held several rounds of discussions with the Chinese Government for the repatriation of the Sri Lankan students.
The Health Minister speaking to reporters this evening said the special aircraft would most likely return to Sri Lanka with the students. Thereafter, the Sri Lankan students would be bussed to Diyathalawa where Special Medical Centres are set up to provide treatment.