UPDATE: Cyber attack on several SL websites restored

by Staff Writer 19-05-2019 | 9:30 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - A series of cyber attacks have been launched against a number of Sri Lankan (.lk and .com) websites. The website of a foreign embassy based in Sri Lanka has also been targetted through the cyber attacks. The Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team stated that the websites of the Kuwait Embassy in Colombo, the Tea Research Institute in Talawakelle, The Rajarata university in Mihintale and 10 private institutions have fallen victim to the cyber attacks. The Sri Lanka Computer Emergency Readiness Team, the TechCERT and the Cyber Operations Center operating under the Ministry of Defence, are conducting further investigations in this regard. The CEO of TechCERT, Dileepa Lathsara stated that many of the affected websites have already been restored to their previous condition. He added that the cyber attacks targeted several vulnerable websites, equipped with minimum cyber security measures. TechCERT urges the general public to focus on the security of their websites.