News 1st, provides the latest news, First and Fast, from the leading news provider in Sri Lanka. Unbiased, Balanced, Fearless reporting, in all 3 languages; Sinhala, English and Tamil at the same time from ONE Central location. News 1st is Sri Lanka’s premiere news organization. We reach every nook and cranny of Sri Lanka while at the same time providing comprehensive reports on global events. News1st fearlessly ventures into new fields in journalism leading other media organizations in the country. News 1st brings you stories from around the world that affects millions of people, Reporting from the frontline, with live footage, behind the scene footage, live updates of events in and around the country to get to the heart of the story.
We bring you the News Live, on 3 TV Channels and 5 Radio Channels, 3 News Websites (Sinhala, English & Tamil Websites) and all social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, Mobile App and through our efficient up to date SMS News Alerts.mNews 1st brings you the latest, biggest stories from around the country and across the globe on Sirasa TV, Shakthi TV, MTV Sports and on Sirasa FM, YES FM, Shakthi FM, Y FM and Legends FM. Gateway to Sri Lankan News www.newsfirst.lk streams the news, so whether you are on the way, in office or at home you are able to stay on top of any major story ranging from national issues, extreme weather, political news, sports news to current affairs. News 1st is the most shared news brand in SRI LANKA. News 1st is the Most Trusted International News Broadcaster in Sri Lanka. We have the strongest Provincial Correspondent Network and U-Reporter network of over 18,000. News 1st provides, footage, information as and when it happens; breaking it first.
News 1st has been at the forefront, in media innovation in Sri Lanka, with a particular emphasis on social responsibility. It is with this emphasis in mind that News 1st initiated “Gammedda”. Bringing this concept into the 21st century, News 1st has re-invigorated the Village Council fora, by taking it to the masses, and strengthening the fundamentals of democracy by instilling the ideal that even the highest echelons of government are directly responsible to the people. News 1st, S-Lon Construction Clinic; is another initiative carried out with the participation of the renowned architects, builders, engineers in the country where these professionals provide advise free of charge. News 1st Outreach reaches out to each of young life, to nurture the youth with media literacy and communication, to make a better future through News 1st Classroom. News 1st U-Report, Sports 1st, Youth 1st, Kids 1st, Biz 1st are all among the major brands under the News 1st umbrella. News 1st We Report: You Decide.