COLOMBO (News 1st) - Three people were killed in an accident that occurred last night in Galahitiyawa, Madampe.
The accident involved a three-wheeler collision with two other vehicles.
The accident took place at about 7 p.m. last night.
Police said that a three-wheeler traveling from Thalawila to Minuwangoda collided with a lorry and then with a bus.
At the time of the accident, 9 individuals, including 5 children were traveling in the three-wheeler.
Our News 1st correspondent said that a young child and two women who were onboard the three-wheeler died in the accident.
They were residents of Minuwangoda.
The group was returning home from a pilgrimage when the accident took place.
Police suspect that the accident was caused due to the three-wheeler driver falling asleep.
The bus driver has been arrested in connection with the accident.