Imported Coconut Oil Shortage Expected in SL

Imported Coconut Oil Shortage Expected in Sri Lanka

by Staff Writer 24-06-2024 | 3:22 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); The Coconut Development Authority has confirmed that there can be no increase in the price of coconut oil.

Its Chairman Roshan Perera stated that forty-two thousand metric tons of oil have been imported this year, twice the amount from last year.

Despite this, a shortage of imported coconut oil is expected to persist until the end of this month or the middle of next month, according to the Consumer Affairs Authority.

The shortage is attributed to factors such as a lack of coconut oil packaging containers and delays in cargo ships.

Additionally, the closure of a Philippine company that previously imported coconut oil to Sri Lanka has further impacted the situation.

The CAA plans to provide a comprehensive report to the minister overseeing this matter.