Muslims across the world celebrate Hajj

Muslims across the world celebrate Hajj

by - 17-06-2024 | 1:28 PM

Colombo (News 1st): Followers of Islam worldwide, who follow the teachings of the Prophet, giving priority to unity and collectivity, celebrate Eid-al-Adha or the Haj festival today.

According to the Islamic calendar, the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijjah, is reserved for Hajj.

This festival is celebrated in commemoration of an attempt to obey a command given by Allah to Prophet Ibrahim.

Hajj is considered the fifth of the five major obligations of Muslims.

Along with this day, the Hajj pilgrimage, which is one of the five great obligations according to Islam, is performed.

Religious rituals will be performed this morning for the Hajj ceremony in Colombo city and several other provinces of the island.

Simultaneously, religious rituals will be performed in the Grand Mosque of Colombo as well as in the Jummah mosque in Dawatagaha.