COLOMBO (News 1st); The Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6 docked at the Port of Colombo on Wednesday (25), confirmed Sri Lanka's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA) earlier said that the Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6 will be reaching Sri Lanka as per an agreement reached with the University of Ruhuna.
Later, the University of Ruhuna announced that it had decided to step away from the research program that was to take place with the Chinese geophysical scientific research vessel Shi Yan 6.
The University of Ruhuna announced that one of the two university lecturers who represented the university in agreeing to conduct joint research with the Shi Yan 6, had migrated overseas, and the other lecturer had stepped away from the country's university system completely.
The vessel is currently moored at the SAGT of the Colombo Port.
It set sail from the Chinese port of Guangzhou on the 11th of September and entered the Indian Ocean on the 19th of September.
Its voyage included navigating the Ninety East Ridge, a mid-ocean ridge on the Indian Ocean floor named for its near-parallel strike along the 90th meridian at the center of the Eastern Hemisphere, in the Exclusive Economic Zone of India in the Indian Ocean, and other locations as well.
In August, prior to its departure from China, the Sri Lanka Navy announced that the ship's arrival in Sri Lanka would take place on the 25th of October.
However, due to India's response to diplomats of the highest level, the arrival of the Chinese research ship at the port of Colombo was delayed.
Yet, the Chinese research vessel arrived at the port of Colombo on the day it was originally planned.
A senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the vessel arrived in Colombo for replenishment purposes
The National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency or NARA confirmed that four of its representatives received permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to board the Shi Yan 06.
China revealed that the vessel would spend 80 days at sea, conducting 28 scientific research projects with 13 research teams, covering a vast area of over 12,000 nautical miles.