COLOMBO (News 1st) - In what might be a world record, a Spanish extreme athlete has come out from a cave after 500 days without any contact with others.
When Beatriz Flamini entered the cave in Granada, Spain, Russia had not yet invaded Ukraine, and the world was still infected with the Covid virus.
It was part of a scientific experiment that was closely observed.
"I'm still at November 21, 2021." "I don't know anything about the outside world," she said as she emerged from the cave.
Flamini, 50, entered the cave when she was 48 years old. She spent her time exercising, painting, and knitting woollen hats in the 70m (230ft) deep cave. According to her support staff, she got through 60 books and 1,000 litres of water.
She was being watched by a team of psychologists, researchers, and speleologists - cave experts - however none of them made contact with her.