Tamil Parties write 8-point letter to Modi

Tamil Political parties write 8-point letter to Modi

by Staff Writer 18-01-2022 | 5:49 PM

COLOMBO (News 1st); Seven Tamil Political Parties have written an eight-point letter to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The letter was handed over to Indian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay on Tuesday (18) afternoon.

The points mentioned in the letter relates to the following:

1. Thirteenth Amendment and the Provincial Councils

2. Language Rights - Sixteenth Amendment

3. Demography, Land Grabbing, and De-limitation or Gerrymandering

4. Citizenship and Equality

5. Prisoners Under the Prevention of Terrorism Act

6. Enforced Disappearances

7. Electoral Reforms

9. One Country One Law Concept