by Pavani Hapuarachchi 09-06-2021 | 9:09 AM
COLOMBO (News 1st): The junior staff at hospitals are conducting a trade union action today citing several demands, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon by refraining from all hospital duties.
However, the strike will NOT be conducted at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children (LRH), Castle Street Hospital for Women, Maharagama Apeksha Hospital, and Batticaloa & Trincomalee District Hospitals, Tampitiye Sugathananda Thero, the General Secretary of the Joint Health Workers Union told News 1st.
Among the demands cited in respect of the trade union action are:
– The confirmation of permanent employment for those who are on a contract basis
– The provision of the COVID-19 risk-benefit for all employees
– The issues with regard to the provision of protective gear for transportation and inoculation of COVID patients
"Despite discussions held with the Ministry of Health on numerous occasions, our issues remain unresolved," Tampitiye Sugathananda Thero further lamented.