by Pavani Hapuarachchi 16-02-2021 | 2:13 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st): The patriotic people in this country will not allow a foreign entity to enter the Sri Lankan political stage, Joint Cabinet Spokesperson - Minister Udaya Gammanpila said on Tuesday (Feb. 16).
The Bharathiya Janatha Party (BJP) recently revealed a plan to expand its political operations in Sri Lanka and Nepal; the issue was raised at the cabinet media briefing today (16).
Referring to the recent statement made by Amith Shah, who is a very senior member of the Bharathiya Janatha Party that BJP should be politically active in Nepal and Sri Lanka, News 1st's raised a question on whether duel citizens were allowed to engage in politics through the 20th amendment with this ulterior motive in mind?
"Even if such an official statement is made, we do not believe that the patriotic people in this country will allow a foreign political party to enter the political stage in Sri Lanka and take over power," Minister Udaya Gammanpila told reporters in Colombo on Tuesday (Feb. 16).
Joint Cabinet Spokesperson Minister Udaya Gammanpila further emphasized that there is no definite evidence to prove Amith Shah, the Chairman of the BJP made such a statement.
"The media has not received any video footage or a communique confirming that he made such a statement. The statement made by a third party, i.e. the Chief Minister of Tripura claiming that such a statement was made by Amith Shah while having a meal, is all that's there," Minister Gammanpila further noted.
The President pledged to 10 political parties in September last year, that the right for dual citizens to engage in politics in Sri Lanka, will be abolished through the new constitution, Minister Gammanpila noted.
According to Minister Gammanpila, the drafting of the new constitution is progressing swiftly.