Colombo (News 1st); Attorney General Dappula De Livera on Monday (14) said he advised Sri Lanka Police on two separate occasions to reduce overcrowding in prisons, however for reasons unknown the instructions and the guidelines were not implemented by the Inspector General of Police.
He said the second advisory issued in late November on the request of the Justice Minister is being implemented at present, adding the situation would not have turned worse if the advice was carried out in April.
'We are not responsible for the overcrowding in prisons and to the contrary, I have taken measures and steps to reduce congestion in prisons. The responsibility of prison overcrowding lies elsewhere,' said the Attorney General during the event organized to declare open the new building for the Attorney General's Department in Hultsdorf.
There are 12,000 people in remand for drug-related offenses and the majority of the prison population is addicted to narcotics, said De Livera noting at present the narcotics unit of the Attorney General's Department has less than 200 cases.
As of Monday, 14th October the prison cluster in Sri Lanka grew to more than 3000 cases.
The Rule of Law cannot be upheld until public institutions enjoy public confidence and public acceptance stressed the Attorney General.
'I am thankful to the media for playing the pivotal role in the dissemination of correct information in the proper perspective and sense to the people as they have a right to know, and we are accountable to the public,' he said.
Public approval is important because it is the people of this country who are sovereign and public servants are required to discharge their functions for the people, he further said.