Health Regulations Extraordinary Gazette issued

Covid-19 (Preventive Measures) Regulations Extraordinary Gazette issued

by Zulfick Farzan 15-10-2020 | 11:45 PM
Colombo (News 1st) : The Extraordinary Gazette on Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) (Preventive Measures) Regulations was issued on Thursday (15) night by Sri Lankan authorities. The Extraordinary Gazette states, Every person in a public place or every person in any other place where such person may come into close contact with another person, in any diseased locality in relation to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID - 19) shall - (a) Wear a face mask at all times; and (b) maintain social distancing of not less than one meter between two persons. It further noted,  It shall be lawful for the proper authority in any diseased locality in relation to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID - 19) to - (a) restrict the movement of persons ; (b) take or require any person to take a diseased person or a person suspected to be diseased to a hospital, place of observation or quarantine centre for treatment or quarantine purpose ; or (c) direct any person suspected to be a diseased to be self-quarantined in his house, premises or place of residence for a period not exceeding the incubation period as may be determined by the proper authority for the whole of Sri Lanka. On Thursday (15) afternoon, the Ministry of Health said with the issuance of this new gazette notification, the courts will henceforth be able to issue either both sentences of imposing a fine of not more than Rs. 10,000 and a prison sentence of six months or one of the two sentences against those who break the law