Investigations continue on PNB drug operation

More samples from PNB evidence storage sent to Govt. Analyst

by Zulfick Farzan 21-07-2020 | 2:02 PM

Colombo (News 1st); Additional samples from drugs placed at the evidence storage of the Police Narcotic Bureau were handed over to the Government Analyst as part of the on-going investigations.

Sri Lanka Police said a combined 350 kilograms of Heroin and ICE was dispatched to the Government Analyst's Department for investigations on Monday.

The Government Analyst's Department said samples are obtained to determine if the drugs seized in Sri Lanka were mixed with another substance or substances and thereafter trafficked.

A 10 member team from the Government Analyst's Department is conducting investigations and the evidence storage of the Police Narcotic Burea was sealed after the samples were taken away.

Sri Lanka Police said two vehicles belonging to a person only known as "LOKU", connected to drug trafficking, were handed over to the Government Analyst's Department for further investigations.