Colombo (News 1st); An attempt to rescue a young woman who tried to commit suicide turned in to tragedy as a man who attempted to save her drowned in Thalawakele.
On Thursday morning, a 22 year decided to take her life by taking a plunge into the Kothmale Reservoir from the Railway Bridge in Thalawakele.
A man identified as M. M. Rizwan who saw the attempt to commit suicide didn't think twice to jump into the water and save a life.
However, his attempts were futile as the woman did not listen to his pleas and refused to grab on to a rope thrown at her.
By-standers eventually suggested to Rizwan to grab the woman by her hair in an attempt to save her life.
Sadly, the woman grabbed on to Rizwan, a father of two, and they both went under together.
Moments later the Thalawakele Police OIC and two officers rushed to the scene and jumped into the water to save both Rizwan and the woman.
After a valiant attempt they managed to bring the woman ashore using a tube and she was rushed to the Lindula Hospital.
However, Rizwan was nowhere to be found and his lifeless body was recovered many hours later.
Despite having no training in life-saving, Rizwan did not think twice about saving another.