by Zulfick Farzan 11-04-2020 | 11:53 AM
Colombo (News 1st) ; Sri Lanka Navy intercepted a flag stateless vessel in the high seas approximately 548 nautical miles away from the island this morning.
An on board search revealed the vessel was carrying 260 kilograms of Heroin and 56 kilograms of ICE or Crystal Methamphetamine.
Sri Lanka Navy Spokesperson Lieutenant Commander Isuru Sooriyabandara speaking to News 1st said the value of the narcotics is north of 3.2 billion rupees.
He said 07 people were arrested and according to a facebook post by Sri Lanka Navy they are believed to be Iranians.
Sri Lanka Navy's patrols in the high seas have proven to be a success with fruitful results as in the first quarter of 2020 alone, sailors intercepted many vessels and seized Heroin, ICE and Ketamine.