Power cuts: Vasudeva demands compensation

by Staff Writer 01-04-2019 | 8:57 PM
COLOMBO (News 1st) - MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara states that the public must be compensated for the losses they incur due to power disruptions. MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara arrived at the Public Utilities Commission this evening (April 01) and submitted his demands. He expressed his views regarding the whole matter in the presence of the media. UPFA MP, Vasudeva Nanayakkara noted that consumers incur a loss of Rs. 120 per unit due to power cuts across the country and the government should compensate the consumers for their loss. He went on to say that the monthly fixed fee should be deducted from the bills of the consumers. He noted that the existing power crisis is mainly due to the government's failure to construct power plants in the past four years despite the commission's necessary recommendations. He added that close inspections into the matter have revealed that a group of powerful individuals are pulling strings. He noted that they have forced the CEB  to a state where they have to purchase power from the private sector at a high rate of Rs. 50 per unit. The Public Utilities Commission noted that steps will be taken regarding the MP's requests following the consideration of laws and acts and obtaining legal advice in this regard.