'AlienVsPredator' - China responds to US

'AlienVsPredator' : China hits back at Mike Pompeo's comments

by Zulfick Farzan 28-10-2020 | 4:03 PM

Colombo (News 1st);  The Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka has hit back at comments made by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for referring to China as a 'Predator'.

The Chinese Embassy in Colombo tweeted "Sorry Mr. Secretary @SecPompeo , we're busy promoting #China-#SriLanka friendship and cooperation, not interested in your #AlienVsPredator game invitation. The US can play two roles at the same time as always.


The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who was on a two-day official visit to Sri Lanka the Chinese Communist Party was operating as a “predator” in Sri Lanka.

“We see from bad deals, violations of sovereignty and lawlessness on land and sea that the Chinese Communist Party is a predator, and the United States comes in a different way, we come as a friend, and as a partner,” Pompeo said at a joint press conference with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena.